副詞句(分詞構文)- Adverbial Phrase
- 主節と副詞節の主語が同一の場合。
- 副詞節で単純時制・進行形なら "-ing" 形・完了形ならば "having done" 形。
- 副詞句は通常文頭に。
Because I am unable to drive a car, I use public transportations.
→Being unable to drive a car, I used public transportations.
→Unable to drive a car, I used the bus.
"Being" は省略可
Because I was forced to go, I did not enjoy the party.
→(Being) forced to go, I did not enjoy the party.
Because he did not want to hurt her feeling, he didn't tell the truth.
→Not wanting to hurt her feeling, he didn't tell the truth.
Because I had seen the movie before, I didn't want to go again.
→Having seen the movie before, I didn't want to go again.
BECAUSEの他にもSINCE, AS 等も副詞句化する事ができます。こなれた文章表現ですので、ぜひ活用しましょう。
As I had much time, I started to clean my room.
Having much time, I started to clean my room.
Turning the corner, you'll find the building on the left.
If turn the corner, you'll find the building on the left.
Turn the corner, and you'll find the building on the left.
She is always very busy because she has three jobs.
→She is always very busy, having three jobs.
The boy, (being) forced to sit down quietly, cried loud.
→The boy, when (being) forced to sit down quietly, cried loud.
forced to sit down quietly, the boy cried loud.
Because he was forced to sit down quietly, the boy cried loud.
→Because of being forced to sit down quietly, the boy cried loud.
When he was forced to sit down quietly, the boy cried loud.
When (being) forced to sit down quietly, the boy cried loud.
分詞だけだと「〜した時」なのか、「〜したから」なのか不確かですが、BECAUSE や WHEN を残す事で意味が明確になります。 分詞構文は、流れを上手く作り出せ便利ですが、意味が曖昧になってはいけない時はあまり使わないようにする必要もあります。