様態 - Manner
様態を表す副詞節は、"HOW" を表します。つまり、どんな風に「〜する」のかを表す節です。AS 節がこの役割を果たします。
「〜のように」という意味のAS節です。As you know, As I said before 等、良く使われる用法です。
As you know, we are working hard to achieve the goal we had set.
Do as I say!
She will be late, as usual.
She sent me some money, as promised.
as usual, as promised のように、主語や動詞が省略されたパターンもあります。
AS 節の役割
As you know, she already left here.
As I grew up, I learned how to write.
The question is not as complicated as it seems.
Happy as they were, there was something missing.
「〜するにつれて」という意味の【AS】。WHILE との違いをしっかり抑えてください。(時の副詞節参照)。
As I grew up, I learned how to write.
While I was in school, I learned how to write.
A pound is almost as heavy as 454 grams.
A pound is almost equal to 454 grams.
A pound is almost the same as 454 grams.
BECAUSE の用法の【AS】。BECAUSE 程強く「〜が原因で」と強い因果関係は表さず、軽い理由付けに用います。文頭・文末どちらでも使います。
She may need some help as she's new.
She may need some help because she's new.