比較級 - Comparative
比較級 の基本
We need to be more careful this time.
Breast cancer is less common in men.
People should have equal opportunity for higher education.
比較級+【THAN】のセットで覚えるよりも、【THAN】以下は比較する対象を表すと覚えておいた方が、名詞を修飾する形容詞が比較変化した時や、NO MORE THAN などの比較級関連の熟語を覚える時に混乱を防げます。
More people than expected lost their jobs.
Many people lost their job. The number was more than expected.
He has a better book than mine.
He has a good book. The book is better than mine.
He has more good books than I have.
He has many good books. I have many too, but he has more.
She is older than he (is).
She is older than him. (informal)
I like Pissarro's works more than van Gogh's.
口語表現では more than him のように、【THAN】を前置詞的に良く使いますが、文法的には間違い。この場合、she と he を比べているので、than he (is) というのが正しい言い方です。
Ten or More
【MORE】は、"in excess of" という意味で、"more than ten" は10を含みません。同様に、"less than ten" も10を含みません。通常、「10以上」と言う場合は、"ten or more" という表現になります。
All of the clothing is 50% off when you purchase five or more.
MORE, LESS, FEWER は、数値と比較することがあります。
【MORE】は、many, much の比較級なので、可算名詞・不可算名詞や程度に使えます。FEWER は FEW の比較級なため、可算名詞にしか使えません。LESS は little の比較級なので不可算名詞や程度にしか使えません(名詞の数え方参照)。
More than one hundred kids were there.
I have more than ten dollars.
He is less taller than 6 feet.
Many of the theaters in New York have fewer than 100 seats.
比較級の程度を強調したい時は、MUCH, A LOT, FAR を使います。
Your health is much more important than your job.
We need a lot more information to undersand the situation.
His new job is far less stressful than his previous one.