非人称の ITと呼ばれるもので、天気や時間・距離を現す時に使う【IT】のことです。仮主語・仮目的語と違い、文中に、【IT】の指すものはありません。
Is it still raining?
It's over 200 miles from London to Manchester.
It's been three years since I last saw her.
I like it here.
It seems that we are not welcome here.
If it’s convenient for you, I can come tomorrow.
seem は、THAT-節をとることがありますので、このTHAT-節は目的語と勘違いしやすいですが、これが真主語…とすると、seem の補語が無くなってしまいます。ですから、この場合、漠然とした状況を表す【IT】です。
convenient も、"I come tomorrow" が都合が良いかどうか聞いているわけですが、それを「真主語」としてしまうと、IF節しかない文になってしまい、文法的に説明が付かなくなります。ですから、これも、漠然とした、【IT】という解釈。
seem, appear は、IT...THAT節 で良く使われます。THAT-節内の内容を主語にした書き換えはテスト頻出です。
It seems that they know what they're doing.
They seem to know what they're doing.
It appeared that she was in her late fifties.
She appeared to be in her late fifties.
It happened that she was out when we called.
She happened to be out when we called.
IT...THAT 節の方が、判断の材料が希薄だったり、1クッション置いて判断している感じになります。
I saw him yesterday. He seemed happy.
I heard about him yesterday. It seemed he was happy.
seems, appear は、婉曲表現によく使います。IT...THAT 節はさらに婉曲的な表現になります。
If you want to stay here, you don't have much choice.
100% の断定意見
If you want to stay here, you don't seem to have much choice.
It seems (to me) that you don't have much choice if you want to stay here.
「〜な状況だと思う」という意見。to me を入れると主観的意見的。