接続副詞 - Conjunctive Adverbs
〇 I was sleepy. Therefore, I went to the bed.
〇 I was sleepy; therefore, I went to the bed.
× I was sleepy, therefore, I went to the bed.
たとえば、BUT と HOWEVER の使い方の違いは、BUT が文と文を接続できる接続詞なのに対し、HOWEVER は副詞ですから接続詞のように文を接続できません。
I was sleepy. However, I stayed up to finish my work.
I was sleepy; however, I stayed up to finish my work.
I was sleepy, but I stayed up to finish my work.
BUT は文頭で使ってはいけないというルールがありますが、HOWEVER は文頭で使えます。また、副詞ですから、文中・文末に置く事もできます。その際は通常カンマを使います。
I was sleepy. However, I stayed up to finish my work.
I was sleepy. I, however, stayed up to finish my work.
I was sleepy. I stayed up to finish my work, however.
therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently
however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still,
moreover, furthermore, further, besides, likewise,
thereafter, then, next, subsequently, meanwhile etc.
MOREOVERやTHEREFORE, THUSなどはとても あらたまった表現で、日常会話では殆ど用いられません。
The hotel was very reasonable; moreover, the location was perfect.
The hotel was very reasonable, and the location was perfect.
The prosecutors couldn't find new evidences. Thus, they won't retry the case.
The prosecutors couldn't find new evidences, so they won't retry the case.
He just said an honest opinion; nevertheless, it was not kind.
He just said an honest opinion, but it was not kind.