並列 - Additions
英作文で、AND が沢山あって嫌になった事ありませんか?他にもいろいろ表現方法はあります。それぞれ使い方にルールがありますから気をつけましょう。
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
It has excellent art museums and fine theaters.
MOREOVER, FURTHERMOREや、ALSO, AS WELL, TOO等の副詞も、並列を表すことができます。副詞ですから文と文は接続しませんので使い方に注意が必要です。(接続副詞参照)
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
It has excellent art museums;Moreover, it has fine theaters.
MOREOVERやFURTHERMOREは少し仰々しい言い方なので、あくまで例として受け止めて下さい。ALSO, AS WELL, TOOの方が一般的な表現です。
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
It has excellent art museums. It also has fine theaters.
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
It has excellent art museums; it has fine theaters, as well.
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
It has excellent art museums and fine theaters, too.
【ALSO】は、助動詞・BE動詞の直後または動詞の直前にきます。【AS WELL】【TOO】は文末にきます。
IN ADDITION TO や BESIDES 等の前置詞も並列を表すことができます。前置詞ですから、目的語を必要とし、通常文頭にきます。
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
In addition to excellent art museums, it has fine theaters.
New York City provides many cultural opportunities.
Besides excellent art museums, it has fine theaters.
I don't really want to go. Besides, it's too late now.