文の導入 - Conjunctions
英語を沢山書くようになると、and ばかり使っている自分の文が嫌になりますね。
I went to the public library today. I met my ex-boyfriend there.
I went to the public library today. Coincidently, I met my ex-boyfriend there.
I fell down the stairs. Many people saw me falling. Someone immediately came to help me.
I fell down the stairs. Unfortunately, many people saw me falling. Fortunately, someone immediately came to help me.
We need to cut air pollution. We must push the U.S. government to ratify the Kyoto protocol.
We need to cut air pollution. To do so, we must push the U.S. government into ratifying the Kyoto protocol.
She needed $6,000 for this show. She made contact with many people who understood her artistic point of view.
She needed $6,000 for this show. In raising money to produce the show, she made contact with many people who understood her artistic point of view.